Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Often use hair gel may affect male reproductive ability

 Recently,a study from London University found that if adult male long-term use hair gel, the sperm motility, the number was significantly lower than others, there will be great harm for fertility.
 Study pointed out that this may be due to hair spray containing phosphorus chemicals phthalic acid salt, it would disrupt the level of male hormones.Experts said modern research has proved that the preservatives, plastic bags, beauty salons contain supplies such as the role of estrogen-like substances, which will affect the gonadal development of men and undermine the role of the endocrine axis of control, leading to abnormal hormone levels. The baby may lead to gonadal dysgenesis syndrome, including hypospadias, cryptorchidism; for adult men, it may induce asthenospermia and testicular cancer, etc.    (from http://healthwalker.blogspot.com)