Heat suppress spermatogenesis
The people have bath at home,like to enjoy the warm water bath,especially in the cold winter. Although the spirit and body are extremely relaxed,if soaking for long time and the water temperature is too hot, it is tantamount to the sperm in terms of "murder." "The temperature of the survival of sperm production is lower than the body temperature 1 ~ 2 ℃, and long baths in the high-temperature water will cause the living environment of the sperm to be destroyed, while damage to seminiferous epithelium." This will lead to reduce the chances of pregnancy, increased rates of birth defects. The similar habbits are like long bubble sauna, hot springs and sleeping electric blanket, will be caused decline in spermatogenesis by high temperature.
You have to protect yourself from the harm of food
In the diet,tobacco and alcohol are the major reason for the impact on male reproductive function, alcohol. However,also a number of food has kinds of harm to people. For example, the cottonseed oil, tripterygium wilfordii (herbs), and scrophulariaceae, asp, stone aquifer, Huangbai, Scrophulariaceae, such as compound decoction will affect spermatogenesis and reduce sperm motility.Legumes are nutritious food, but they are rich in phytoestrogens, excessive consumption, the body can be caused endocrine disorders, may reduce the number of sperm and vitality.
Eat much fried and barbecued food injury sperm.
Men love to eat barbecue, and the barbecue and fried starchy foods contain cancer-causing acrylamide toxicology, can lead to reduction of sperm.In addition, the heavy metal cadmium, pesticide residues are toxic to sperm. Research has found that patients with oligospermia has the relationship between the lack of trace elements. Therefore, eat oysters, dried small shrimps, animal liver, seaweed, sesame, peanuts, beans and other foods rich in zinc, can guarantee that sperm in full force.
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