Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tea can prevent prostate cancer

The protective effect of tea to human health has been well-known. Recently, American scientists have done further studies on green tea and black tea,have shown that these two kinds of tea have slowed down the proliferation of prostate cancer, while red wine and peanuts are rich in antioxidants,can not be effective on anti-cancer.
In this study, the researchers let 20 patients with prostate cancer drink black tea or green tea or soda at five days ago before prostate cancer surgery , 5 cups a day. The purpose of this is to test tea polyphenols can affect the growth of prostate cancer. Since previous studies have found that polyphenols can cause death of cancer cells.
After surgery, researchers studied these patients with prostate cancer . They found that patients' prostate cancer cell proliferation is weakened after they drinked tea before surgery , soft drinks and pre-operative cancer patients were found in the same situation.
The researchers said that this was the first proof of the direct use of tea polyphenols on the growth of prostate cancer cells. The results also showed that the effect of black tea better. The researchers believe that their findings further confirmed that black tea and green tea can prevent prostate cancer.
In recent years, scientists have started studying the effectiveness of anti-cancer tea. One of the reasons is that in those country where many people enjoy tea , the incidence of certain types of cancer is relatively low. At the same time, recent scientific research shows that not all polyphenols can have anti-cancer efficacy. For example, edge veratryl alcohol, a kind of existence in the red wine and peanuts in the polyphenols can not produce the same anti-cancer efficacy.
At the same time, the researchers cautioned that their findings do not show that drinking tea alone will be able to prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer. Healthy eating habits, eat more vegetables and fruit, plus tea usually,which has positive efficacy for anti-cancer.

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